Jumat, 22 Juni 2012


If You Can’t Eat

If you can’t eat you got to
Smoke and we ain’t got
Nothing to smoke; come on kid
Let’s go to sleep.

If you can’t smoke you got to
Sing and we ain’t got
Nothing to sing; come on kid
Let’s go to sleep.

If you can’t sing you got to
die and we ain’t got
Nothing to die; come on kid
Let’s go to sleep.

If you can’t die you got to
dream and we ain’t got
Nothing to dream; come on kid
Let’s go to sleep.

1. Language meaning        : The poem tells about suffering and hunger.
                                          Here a parent is trying to soot he a hungry child to sleep         throught four different ways. Smoke, sing, die and dream. But they have never been given a chance even to dream.
2. Messages                       : “Be patient and make effort”.
3. This poem uses simple language. There are modal auxiliary 9can), it conditional and impermative.
This poem is easy for Junior High School.

1 komentar:

  1. Puisi yg menggelitik tapi menearik. Bisa dilanjutkan dg puisi yg lain
